Get Rid of Dog Smell

Do you wish there was a way to get rid of those horrible odors that seem to cling to your dog? Does your dog smell like poop? Does your dog smell fishy? Do your dog’s feet smell? Was there a little skunk and dog mishap in your backyard?

Do you want to get rid of that stinky dog smell lingering throughout your house?

I love my dogs, but sometimes I would rather take a break from their presence when they have a terrible odor. At least my dogs do not get offended when I say, “Honey, would you like a mint?” or “I think you need a shower.”

The first thing you should do is determine what is causing the odor.  This can be simple or very difficult. If your dog is outside often, then who knows what they were digging or rolling around in? Some dogs just love to roll in anything that has a funky odor.

Dogs have great senses of smell and can hunt down all kinds of odors, even in a seemingly perfectly maintained backyard. Birds and other animals are going to poop in your yard.

Cats might bring in a dead animal or garbage. Worms will die on the grass, etc etc.

Some odors are easy to pinpoint, but some of the others are harder. Let us start with one of the reasons dogs stink.

Why do dogs love to roll around in things that stink? Dogs are natural hunters.

When you use a shampoo and spritz that smell unnatural, they are going to try to get rid of the smell. Think about it. You can tell when someone wears too much perfume right? It is not pleasant.  A dog’s sensitive sense of smell probably intensifies the fragrance of the shampoos and products you use on them. They are probably annoyed by it too. How are they supposed to hunt a squirrel when they smell like a human? I am not at all suggesting to stop using those products or to keep your dogs indoors. I am just explaining one of my theories.

There are spritz products that you can use between baths that help get rid of odors. These are incredibly convenient and simple to use. They have immediate results, but sometimes you can’t just spray away the odors. Sometimes the only thing that is going to get rid of the odors is a bath. You cannot perfume away clumps of poop and other stinky matter. You have to remove them from your dog.

Normal dog shampoos just mask dog odors, so make sure you use shampoo that has ingredients that counteract the odors. A bath can be a pain, but with the proper shampoo or shampoo/conditioner a variety of awful stenches can be removed. (Even skunk odors can be vanquished).

If your dog is properly groomed, it can greatly reduce the amount of time needed to get them clean. It can also make it easier to keep them clean. Of course, all breeds are different and required different grooming methods.

If your dog is not properly groomed around the feet, mouth, underside, or um unmentionable areas, then odor causing crud is going to build up. If you had hair around the top of your kitchen garbage can, do you think it would smell that great? If you wore shag slippers outside, do you think it would be easy to keep them clean?

What if you keep your dog clean and take them for walks instead of just letting them run freely in the backyard and they still stink? I would suggest spraying them with a spritz. One of my dogs like it, but the other one does not. If they don’t like being spritzed, you can just put some in your hands and secretly pet the odor countering liquid into their fur. (No Rinsing Required)

If your dog’s breath stinks you can brush its teeth with doggy toothpaste or give them carrots to eat or minty dog snacks.  Make sure to clean their dog bowl. Bacteria can grow inside the bowl and are not healthy for your dog or for their breath. Nilodor is coming out with a new Fresh Breath Foam for dogs called LOL (Lots of Licks).

Getting rid of dog odors in your home can be simple as using a product. You can use baking soda in your carpet or on certain pieces of furniture to help absorb the odors, but baking soda also decreases the life of your carpet and furniture because it is an abrasive. It also might not be safe to use on some carpet or furniture. Nilodor’s carpet and fabric deodorizers are not abrasives and contain both fragrance and an odor counteractant.  These help your dog from repeatedly going to the same spot in your house to do their business.  Always follow directions and warnings on any products you use.

You can use incense to help drown out the house odor (incense isn’t exactly safe), but if you want to get rid of the smell, you need to use an odor neutralizer. Source removal is required for pet accidents or the odor is just going to keep coming back. Vacuuming up pet hair can also help remove that dog smell from your house. Periodically cleaning your dog’s bed definitely helps as well. You can always add an odor neutralizer to the laundry when you wash the pet bed or try a Pet Bed Deodorizer.

How to Get Rid of a Smell

There are many types of smells and different intensities of odors.  Neutralizing the source of the odor is the best way to get rid of the odor. Below are some familiar types of odors and our suggestion for removing them.


Removing Odors from Carpet:

When you have odor in carpet, removing the odor is more difficult than a hard surface, especially if the odor is biological (Cat Urine, Dog Urine, Vomit, Dog Poop, Food etc.). Here is our instructional video on how to remove biological odor from carpeting. Our bacteria/enzyme digesting products (Found on our Stain and Odor Removers Page) eat the biological matter, which causes the odor. Our instructional video is only a minute long, but here is a quick summary for those who want to get to the point. (Note: For heavier matter (ex. Dog Poop, Vomit), remove as much of the matter as possible with a paper towel or plastic bag before diluting the rest of the mess with water.) This is a good way to get rid of dog poop and to get rid of the smell of dog poop.

For Fresh Urine etc

  1. Remove as much of the concentrated pet urine/matter as possible by using paper towels or a highly absorbent cotton towel.
  2. Pour 4-6 ounces of fresh, warm WATER on the accident area. Extract or absorb this water from the carpeting. DO THIS STEP 2-3 MORE TIMES.  Remember, we are trying to dilute and remove as much of the urine as possible before we start feeding our bacteria. The more urine we are able to remove through dilution and extraction, the better chance our bacteria will have in digesting the remaining urine residue.
  3. Apply your bacteria product to the area. Make sure you use enough product to wet the entire area.
  4. Allow bacteria to sit for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Extract or absorb as much of the bacteria product as possible…and allow to air dry.  Helpful Hint: Cover area with a clean, dry towel and place a weight on top of the towel.  The liquid will wick into the towel as it dries, instead of stopping at the top of your carpet fibers.
  6. Once dried, vacuum and inspect treated area. Odor should be gone. If not, repeat procedure.

NOTE: For older urine stains and odors, follow steps 2-6.

The above procedure is also effective for removing vomit 

Some people will tell you that baking soda is the best way to deodorize carpeting. Baking soda will remove odor from carpeting, but comes at a cost. Baking soda is an abrasive that hurts the carpet fibers and after repeated use, will ruin the appearance of the carpet fibers. Rug & Room Deodorizer contains no harsh abrasives. Here is the official product description. “The special deodorizing formula in Nilofresh Rug and Room Deodorizer has been developed to neutralize odors in carpeting long after vacuuming. Does not contain abrasives such as baking soda. Sprinkle lightly over carpet and vacuum to freshen an entire room.”

We do carry other products for removing pet stains and odors from carpet, but we will mention only one more here. Foaming Pet Stain & Odor Remover “Spray on this exclusive, thick-foam formula to lift pet odors and stains from carpeting and upholstery. It breaks down and removes soil while neutralizing malodors, leaving a fresh, clean scent. Great for use in automobiles.”


Removing Odor from Garbage Cans/Litter Boxes:

Deodorizing Cat Litter Image

As a company that specializes in odor neutralization, Nilodor has multiple ways to attack different types of odors. Nilodor’s Tap-A-Drop air freshener is a great multipurpose deodorizer that only requires a little drop of liquid to deodorize a larger area. The product description is as follows:

“The original super concentrated one-drop odor counteractant effectively eliminates all malodors, while leaving a pleasant low-level fragrance. Just one drop in a thousand cubic feet will continue to deodorize for up to 24 hours. Used by hospitals, hotels, veterinarian clinics, homes, restaurants, etc. Tap-A-Drop can be used almost anywhere: Litter boxes, pet bedding, pet cages, vet clinics, bathrooms, garbage cans, garbage disposals, automobiles, etc.” As with any product, read the directions before use.

Another way to deodorize a garbage can is to use our Nilolitter Cat Litter Deodorizing Additive. The same power that deodorizes the waste in litter boxes can also be used in garbage cans. Just sprinkle some Nilolitter into the garbage can and it will take care of the rest.


Removing Odors from Fabrics:

Natural Touch Fabric Refresher contains a patented odor elimination agent that eliminates problem odors due to pets, mustiness, urine, smoke, etc. Safe to use around children and household pets. Fabric Refresher can be used on any water-safe fabric in homes, autos, institutions, etc., such as linens, curtains, pet bedding, clothes, car cloth interiors, and more.

Deodorizing Cleaner Concentrate can be added to your laundry to help get rid of smells that your detergent might miss.


How to Remove Cigarette/Smoke Odor:

Nilosmoke Tobacco & Smoke Odor Eliminator Nilosmoke™ contains a fast-acting odor eliminator which quickly neutralizes odors caused by cigarette, cigar, food, pets and body odors in the air. NiloSmoke™ also contains a fresh, light fabric scent to help restore freshness in any room.

How to Remove Skunk Odor:

Nilodor’s Deodorizing Pet Shampoo‘s formula provides a rich, lathering, deodorizing and cleaning action. Nilodor Deodorizing Pet Shampoo for dogs and cats cleans thoroughly and is easy to rinse, leaving the pet’s coat with a natural healthy sheen and a pleasant refreshing fragrance. It can be used on dogs or cats and effectively removes skunk odors. If possible, wear gloves, and rinse your dog thoroughly. Apply the shampoo and let it work into the fur to the skin. Do not pour directly in your pet’s eyes. Once the product is lathered and worked into the fur, let it sit and do its magic for about 5-10 minutes. Rinse your dog/cat thoroughly. If there is still some smell, repeat the process.

Add Deodorizing Cleaner Concentrate to your laundry to help remove skunk odors from clothing. As with all products, read and follow the directions.


How to get rid of Ferret Odor and Small Animal Cage Odor:

Removing Ferret Odor Image

Stinky Ferret

Nilodor’s Deodorizing Ferret Shampoo is formulated to eliminate the natural odor emitted from the ferret’s system, leaving the ferret’s coat with a natural healthy sheen and a pleasant fragrance.

I also have used our Between Bath Spritz to give my ferret, Sarita, a quick spray to make her smell better. You can also try Structured by Nature: Dander-Down Pet Spritz.

Small Animal Deodorizing Cage Cleaner cleans and deodorizes cages and carriers with Nilodor’s enzyme formulated odor neutralizer. It is great for small animal cages such as ferrets, rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, etc. Clean out the bedding from the cage. Try to remove as much of the waste as possible and then spray the cleaner in the cage. Give it time to sit. The bacteria/enzyme product will begin to eat the biological waste that is causing the smell. Rinse out the cage.


Deodorizing the Air in Your Home:

Nilodor provides so many ways to deodorize and neutralize odors in the air throughout the home. Here is a link to our room deodorizers.


These are just some suggestions for removing certain types of odors. If you would like to ask how to remove another type of odor, feel free to post a comment.

Many commercial versions of the above products can be found HERE.